Venois Hosting

Corporate Profile of Venois

Venois Hosting, offers server rental and datacenter services over 17 different locations around the world as well as web hosting, domain and internet services over Turkey location with its customer oriented service mentality and expertised staff.

Venois verified its quality, both domestically and internationally, with many different services that it offered many of the leading companied of Turkey as well as many professional companies around the world. From 2005 on, our company, which has worked to offer better services to our customers every day, has been offering standard technology and hosting solutions as well as turn-key solutions that include different services like software, design and colsultancy. With its specially developed services devoted to specific establishments, Venois keeps its customers happy all the time and prefers hardware equipment that provides maximum efficiency and maximum performance for all hosting and internet services that it offers.

Venois is a hosting provider authorized by Information and Communication Technologies Authority of TURKEY

Solution Oriented Customer Services

Venois Hosting Technical Support Team works 24/7 to offer better service for personal and corporate customers of Venois. Our experts respond to your support requests or questions or any problem that you experienced via different channels in short time.

(Due to account security and user identity related reasons, technical support requests can only be sent via support ticket system on Customer Panel.)

Reliable and Solid Infrastructure

Internet connection of the datacenter where Venois servers are located is provided by Türk Telekom with ring redundant fiber optical infrastructure. 4x 10Gbit ports of 16 fiber optical cables in total end at the datacenter. The datacenter where our servers are located has fully redundant modular backbone with 720Gbit access capacity and access is provided over Layer3 network in required scale seamlessly and healthily.

Power infrastructure of Venois’s datacenter has been designed as redundant according to N+1 structure. In case capacity increase is necessary, hot-swap power system starts to work. Additionally, our company increases the satisfaction that our customers feel with the increase in service quality by using Eaton UPS for our datacenter, AKSA generator for power generation and sensitively controlled double-compression type LibertHiross air conditioning system with N+1 structure.


As a RIPE NCC Member, Venois has its own IP blocks. (Mitues Global Teknolojiler Veri Merkezi Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.).

High Standard

Having mostly corporate firms in its customer portfolio, Venois also has personal customers who care about professional approach and quality. In June 2013, Venois has been invited to “OpenStack Foundation” that has been founded by NASA and global hosting providers and has been a member of the foundation since then.

Our company, which has high standards of its sector and which is a member of globally known coalitions and foundations, uses all experiences and lessons learnt in such organizations and foundations to offer the best service to its customers who always deserve the better.

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